The Bedside Chronicles: When Your Stop Sign Needs a Polish

Stop sign 

There I was, walking my dog, when I spotted a filthy stop sign. It got me thinking: How do you know when to stop if you can't see the stop sign?

Then it hit me - when did we all forget how to use our stop signs? You know, those little two-letter words: NO. NOPE. NOT TODAY.

It took me until nearly 50 to master the art of "No." Like fine wine and good cheese, apparently my ability to decline things needed aging. Why is it so hard to say "No, I'm not happy with that" or "No, I don't want to do that"?

Here's the thing: That struggle comes from somewhere deep in our past—maybe a mean girl at school, a strict parent, a scary teacher—someone who made us feel that "No" meant rejection. It's a vicious circle, really—they probably struggled with the same fear, so they rejected others to feel better about themselves.

But here's what I've learned (finally!): The people who truly get you, who really matter? They hear your "No" and say, "Cool, another time then." No drama, no guilt trips, no emotional manipulation.

So polish up that stop sign. Saying "No" isn't about rejecting others—it's about respecting yourself.

#BedsideChronicles #BoundaryQueen #LearningToSayNo #ThisIs50 #MidlifeWisdom #SelfRespect #PersonalGrowth #RealTalk


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